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View the API Reference for further details on creating and using Validator objects.

Validator objects are applied to fields for determining the validity of the field value. These are invoked upon execution of a field's validate function.

All validators will have a validator name which will be added to a field's errors array when the field's value is not passing the validation, and an execute function which is invoked to perform the actual validation. Optionally, validators may define a message which will be added to a field's errorMessages array when the validation is not passed. All built-in validators will provide a default message for this purpose, and allow for providing a custom message to override the default.


For details of each built-in validator, see: Validators: Built-in

The following validators are provided:

  • email
  • equals
  • equalsByFieldName
  • match
  • max
  • maxLength
  • min
  • minLength
  • numeric
  • required
  • requiredIf


In addition to the above, you can easily create and use your own validators. For details on how to create custom validators, see: Validators: Custom

Overriding Messages

If you want to use a field's errorMessages for display purposes, you may likely want to control the message text that is used for the built-in validators. As mentioned, each built-in validator allows for providing a custom message argument for this purpose.

For example, the required and max validator messages can be customized like this:

import { field, max, required } from 'vue-validus'
const field1 = field([required('custom message 1')])
const field2 = field([max(5, 'custom message 2')], 6)
field1.errorMessages // ['custom message 1']
field2.errorMessages // ['custom message 2']

If you have many fields across multiple components for which you want to leverage the same validation messages, you may consider defining your own validators to accomplish this. For example:

// app-validators.ts
import { max as vMax, required as vRequired, Validator } from 'vue-validus'
export const required: Validator = vRequired('custom message 1')
export const max = (maximum: number): Validator => vMax(maximum, 'custom message 2')
// component
import { field } from 'vue-validus'
import { max, required } from './app-validators'
const field1 = field([required])
const field2 = field([max(5)], 6)
field1.errorMessages // ['custom message 1']
field2.errorMessages // ['custom message 2']